Clifford Franklin, President

Clifford Franklin is the President of Resurgence Infrastructure and FUSE Advertising, a full-service integrated advertising agency based in St. Louis. Clients have included Entergy, Washington Convention & Sports Authority, Safeway Stores, CNN, Hyundai, Anheuser Busch, IBM and Lumiere Hotel & Casino. FUSE was also the African American advertising agency of record for the historic Obama for President Campaign in 2008 and 2012, Mark Warner for Senate in Virginia, Nixon for Governor of Missouri, Kay Hagan for Senate in North Carolina, Stacey Abrams for Governor, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, and Warnock for Senate. According to Advertising Age, FUSE is the 4th largest independently owned African American owned advertising agency in the country.

Mason Miller, Chairman

Mason Miller is the Chairman of Resurgence Infrastructure and has been involved in the infrastructure and energy business since 2001. He has been involved in approximately $750 million of energy-related acquisitions and similar transactions, developing companies that have created over 1,000 jobs in underserved areas of the country. In 2017, Mr. Miller acquired the power plant in St. Louis that operates the district energy system and has since secured a new 20-year Service Agreement with the City of St. Louis and formed Energy Square, a partnership between the City of St. Louis, the Port Authority and the Energy Square team. Mr. Miller recently broadened his infrastructure holdings to include one of the largest water/wastewater automation and controls companies in the eastern United States. Mr. Miller holds a B.S. from Northwestern University and a J.D. from Washington & Lee University.